Menopause? or Thyroid? Are you being treated for the right condition?

Menopause? or Thyroid?  Are you being treated for the right condition?


It is often difficult to differentiate between them because they share similar symptoms.   However, this is a concern because an undiagnosed thyroid problem is anti-aging and can decrease your healthy longevity due to heart disease and other factors.  An example of similar symptoms , Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and menopause can be both be associated with:

  • sleep disturbances
  • hot flashes 
  • depression
  • moodiness 
  • weight gain
  • joint pain
  • UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)

Also, Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) can be associated with

  • insomnia
  • heart palpitations
  • anxiety
  • hot flashes

which are also significant symptoms of menopause.

So how do you know the difference?

For one, before going on HRT, your thyroid levels and a lipid panel need to be completed. Undiagnosed hypothyroid disease is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease and mortality, and it’s preventable! When TSH is high and there is high cholesterol, that’s a clear sign.

An underactive thyroid diet is one that contains whole foods, is high in protein, and naturally rich in iodine and selenium. That means eating more nuts, vegetables, and seafood.

Do eat:

  • Foods rich in iodine such as iodized salt, seafood, potatoes, eggs and navy beans.
  • Cruciferous vegetables in reasonable amounts, as long as they are cooked well.
  • A diet high in protein, which helps to curb appetite and keep you feeling full. That includes dairy foods, eggs, legumes and seafood.

If treating hormonal imbalances naturally, it’s important to check your levels periodically to verify they are improving and within optimal ranges. The longer thyroid hormones are imbalanced – high or low – the more difficult it becomes to treat and the more potential damage to your body.

Many women don’t discover the problem until it is advanced and thyroid hormones are then the best option. If it is discovered early, diet and supplements are also options.

Don’t ignore these symptoms because you are being treated for menopause. Being aware and understanding are the first step – then take action!