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Detox Kit - 10 day

Standard Process Detox Kit with Program Guide - 10 day

91.50 USD

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Detox Kit - 28 Day

Detox program kit with Guide - 28 Day Program

274.50 USD

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FemmenessencePRO Post

Add Promotional Code at checkout for your VIP member discount. This product is the professional version for POST menopausal women and is 180 count. Click link for more info:

49.99 USD

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FemmenessencePRO PERI

Professional Grade Femmenessence Maca for Perimenopause. Click Link to View Data Sheet:

49.99 USD

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Ashwagandha (Klean) 500 mg per capsule sold by Douglas Labs. Enter Promo Code at Checkout. No Returns or Refunds on this product.

24.35 USD

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Revolution Maca for Men - PRO

Professional Grade Maca specifically for Men. By Prescription. Use Promo Code at Checkout. No Refunds or Returns on this product.

54.99 USD

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Liposomal Glutathione (Douglas Labs)

Optimal levels of glutathione are associated with physical and mental wellbeing and anti-aging. Proprietary phospholipids improve absorption and bioavailability of glutathione. No Refunds or Chargebacks. Enter Promo Code at Checkout.

83.20 USD

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Please note that all supplements received and opened are nonreturnable and nonrefundable.